Friday, May 20, 2011

Things I'm Loving

A short post - after all my long ramblings about in-laws this week!

I am totally loving this -

These are my cousins kiddies.  Princess "Shae" (nicknamed for protection) was born this week - a natural breach birth. 

I love the story, and how beautiful it is - you just don't hear these things now-a-days because the pressure comes on to have a c-section.  I am so proud of my cousin for standing up for herself and insisting she wanted to give it a go.  They tried everything to turn baby but it just didn't happen.  Baby was born after 6 hours, safely and at home - with MINIMAL damage to mummy.  What a star!

Am totally looking forward to snuggies!  Aside from that, it makes me feel just a wee bit closer to delivering my own little one soon!

Enjoy your weekend!