Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy dance....!

It's not everyday that you visit the optometrist for your "regular" check up.  (I haven't been for 4 years - supposed to go 2 yearly).

It's not everyday that your optometrist tells you - that your eyes have actually IMPROVED. Again.  (Last time they had also improved slightly).

I've gone from needing a mild-med strength pair of glasses for close up work - to virtually not needing glasses at all.

In his words, "I think you see incredibly well - I wouldn't even give you a pair of glasses for the prescription you would need - the smallest possible."

Not a bad feat for the God who mastered the meningitis 6 weeks ago - with one of the major side effects being vision trouble.  Up until a week ago I was having vision problems.  Got someone to pray for me on Sunday - and wallah - Tuesday comes and I'm better than I was before!

My eyes also look perfect for someone who was so sick only a few weeks ago.  There are special post-meningitis checks.

I love how He works - here I am, desperately wanting my very badly short sighted husband to be healed from his blindness - all the while getting healed of my own. haha!

[caption id="attachment_337" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Happy Dance!!!!"][/caption]

The funniest thing about it is - I actually like wearing my glasses on occasion!!  Oh well, will only be very 'special' occasions now....  you'll know it's a bad day if you see them on my face.



  1. That is sooooo cool - and even better after what you've been through and the vision loss it can cause! Yay!!

  2. yay *joins in with the dance*

  3. Haha that is awesome :-) I love that kind of story YAY!
