Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pizza making....

Mummy is making pizza for dinner.... rolling the dough, chopping the toppings, smearing on tomato paste

Princess is sitting on the kitchen bench...... "helping"....
Mummy turns to ask her something, and immediately forgets when faced with this

[caption id="attachment_40" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Yum yum! tomato!"][/caption]

Tomatoes are pretty expensive this time of year.  I bought one big one in yesterdays shopping.  Princess thought it would be a yummy afternoon snack..

I couldn't bear to stop her.....


This is what was left......

[caption id="attachment_43" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="The remnants..... guess what was added to the pizza topping?"][/caption]


  1. wow she really enjoyed that tomato!

  2. Oh soo cute! How could you stop her - too cute!

  3. I looked and was literally about to growl and take it away.... but then thought....
    "oh, get my camera > take pictures > what the heck it's only a tomato > let her go for it" in that order....
