Tuesday, February 28, 2012

what not to do......

when you start running.... here's my list compiled of what NOT to do

  1. set out at 8.30am, when the traffic is busy and all the bored motorists waiting in queue have no better scenery than you in your running clothes...
  2. leave less than 30 minutes after breakfast, meaning you feel like heaving about 2/3's of the way through
  3. notice that there is A LOT of traffic, and not wanting to interrupt your podcast running/walking times, proceed to run down the busiest road in your city on a weekday morning
  4. breathe in all the lovely fresh diesel and petrol fumes from all that traffic
  5. get to the bottom of the hill, then realise that you now have to make it up some hill nearby as a part of your run (because you don't want to overdo it when you're just starting out)
  6. decide that to make your run exciting (and to avoid the zillions of passing by motorists staring at you) that you will not run back up the hill you just came down...
  7. Notice that the ONLY hill nearby is the steepest hill in your locality, and maybe even your city
  8. Take two kids in a double mountain buggy, up the steepest hill in your locality
Yip, that pretty much sums it up.  I completed my first run today.  I feel great for achieving it, and hopefully next time, I will know exactly what NOT to do....


  1. I dont run pushing anything! screw that!

  2. Crack me up! But go you for doing it! keep up the awesome work and how things go xox

  3. do you run with both your kids in a push chair and where do you get your pod casts from ? I need some inspiration to get me back running after having baby no 3 !!
